Monday, June 3, 2019

Preparing for My French Voyage and Arrival to France

     I chose to become an exchange student to improve my French skills. Going to France as a tourist was one way to immerse myself in the language, but I wanted to experience the daily French life of a resident: going to school, going to local restaurants and shops, and speaking daily to French people who speak not only proper French but also casual phrases. My exchange student already visited me in April, so I am excited to see her again and to meet her family! I am most excited to go to school with my exchange student. I learned about how different the French school system is compared to the American system through my French class and textbooks, but I want to experience the difference for myself. I’m also excited to see another Sacred Heart Network school, especially in the country of the founder. I am lucky that I can attend the school for two weeks! I hope to use and improve my existing French skills to communicate with my host family.

     While packing for my trip, I was thinking of what gifts to bring for my host family and exchange coordinator that would represent America and the Bay Area. I packed See’s Candy, some classic American candy: Nerds and Sour Patch Kids, and Hershey chocolate bars. I also packed some chocolate biscuits that my exchange student liked to eat while she stayed with me and my family. I packed three weeks worth of clothing into a small suitcase and a small bag to bring with me while I attend the school. 

     After packing for a few hours, I was ready for my 11 hour flight to France! It was my first flight alone without my family, so I was a bit nervous especially because I was traveling to a foreign country. However, during the flight, my worries disappeared as I became excited and impatient to arrive and start my French journey. When I arrived to Charles de Gaulle Airport, I already began using my French skills to read signs stating where the exit and gates were. As I walked toward the exit, I saw my exchange student and host family, and I already began practicing my French when answering their questions or when I asked them questions. I’m very excited to see what else lies ahead for my French voyage!

     This is a picture of me and my exchange student at the airport:

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